> On Aug 1, 2018, at 4:17 AM, Geert Janssens <geert.gnuc...@kobaltwit.be> wrote:
> Op dinsdag 31 juli 2018 18:59:07 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
>> 1. Find and select the transaction for the payment.
>> 2. Right-click the transaction and choose ‘Assign as payment...’
>> 3. This brings up the Process Payment dialog.
>> 4. Select the bill, be *careful* to make sure the payment amount, payment
>> date and Num are all correct. (GC has a tendency to set the date as today,
>> rather than the original transaction date so you might have to change it,
>> as well as re-enter the transaction/check #)
> This should no longer be an issue if you edit an existing payment. I have 
> just 
> tried this and in all cases the payment date is preserved.

I just happen to be doing some cleanup and had a case of unposting & reposting 
and needing to re-assign the payment. And it used 7/31/18 as the date instead 
of the original payment date. (I was selecting a single bill and single payment 
for equal amounts) The Num field was also blank and had to be re-filled.

>> A slight variation of this second method is to,
>> 1. Choose Process Payment from the Business > Vendor menu
>> 2. Enter the vendor, you’ll see all outstanding bills and unassigned (pre)
>> payments. 3. Simply select both the invoice and the payment, be sure the
>> date, amount and Num/Memo details are all correct, double check the account
>> to credit (usually checking or cash) and click OK.
> Even in this case the date and Num/Memo details are preserved although it's 
> less obvious in the payment dialog. Each pre-existing payment that you select 
> from the list will retain its num and memo information. Only if the final 
> transaction would result in an additional payment transaction (which can 
> happen if the balance of all selected payments and invoices in the list is 
> not 
> 0) the values of the num and memo field are used for the new payment 
> transaction. 

In the above recent case, I didn’t chance it. But that is re-assuring.

>> On a side note, it appears you are either using a custom A/P account or
>> renamed the original A/P account. I’m not sure about renaming, but custom
>> A/P accounts might not always work well with the Business Features.
>> (perhaps this was the original cause of the dissociation - renaming the
>> account) One of the more seasoned users or developers would need to advise
>> on this point. You can certainly have an “Other A/P” account(s) and even
>> make them children of the main A/P account that you manually make entries
>> to, but the Business Features are really looking for only one account in
>> the tree of type A/P and with the name Accounts Payable. (same goes for
>> receivables) And you should rarely if never manually edit transactions in
>> either of the default A/R or A/P accounts.
> I don't know for sure if parts of gnucash will have issues with multiple A/P 
> accounts. I don't think so as we have always supported this for 
> multi-currency 
> situations. However several reports are not geared towards handling with 
> multiple A/P accounts at once. Several reports will only show results based 
> on 
> one A/P at the time. So see results from another A/P one would have to adjust 
> the report settings to see that A/P.  But it's not possible to report on two 
> A/P accounts together in a single report.
> In general there should be no need to have multiple A/P accounts and in many 
> cases the motivations to create multiple A/P accounts come from a 
> misunderstanding of how accounting works.
> For full disclosure I'll note for my own company I have two A/P accounts on 
> request of my accountant. So it does happen... The motivation here is that my 
> company has two distinct activities with different tax rules and the 
> accountant wants to track these separately. For unrelated reasons I'm no 
> longer tracking this company in gnucash though so I don't know if all the 
> obscure corners of gnucash can handle it properly.

Good to know. I forgot about multi-currency. I know I had run into some issues 
with trying this in the past and getting the business features to post 
properly. But in my case, I really shouldn’t have had a separate account anyway.

> Regards,
> Geert

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