Op maandag 30 juli 2018 17:19:27 CEST schreef David Briggs:
> David, 
> Since this was one of the very first invoices i entered, and am sure I
> posted,  paid,  and unlisted several times,  I think that is exactly what
> happened.  I'm not particularly familiar with the data structures, and to
> be honest since it's all XML and I'm an old relational-database guy, it's a
> little confusing to parse through it. So to save me some time, can you tell
> me how the data maps? Is there a value in the XML string indicating it is
> an open unpaid vendor bill? A value that I can change that says I'm paid
> and closed leave me alone. Any additional thoughts?
If you know which bill you unposted and subsequently reposted, it's probably 
easiest to
- open Business->Vendors->Process Payment
- select the correct vendor (and post-to account if you have multiple)

In the list of documents you should now see your unpaid bill and the payment 
(indicated as pre-payment).
Select both the unpaid bill and the proper pre-payment and click ok.

The lot viewer can be used as a last resort if the mess has  become more 

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