Hi John,

Thanks for the updated dmg.

I saw mails passing by for your update to the htdocs repo. However I didn't see 
similar mails 
for the gnucash-on-osx repo. I presume you had to make at least a change in the 
gnucash.modules file over there as well to add the patches or change the gtk 
version number ?

Not too important for me personally, but if someone else is trying to build on 
they'd want these fixes as well...



Op woensdag 10 mei 2023 04:26:31 CEST schreef John Ralls:
> There's a gtk3 regression in Gnucash-5.1-1. Nobody's reported hitting it
> yet, but it's there: I left a patch out when I updated gtk3 to 3.34.37 just
> before the 5.1 release. I've re-packaged with a correctly-patched library.
> This also has a patch to fix
> https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=798906 for those users with a
> dual-monitor setup where one monitor is Retina and the other isn't.
> 65a67bdffbe2d50e5dbe69b7193acfde6d8964a0fbd631edfd0d064fbaea03d3 
> Gnucash-Intel-5.1-2.dmg
> https://downloads.sourceforge.net/gnucash/gnucash%20%28stable%29/5.1/Gnucash
> -Intel-5.1-2.dmg
> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/releases/download/5.1/Gnucash-Intel-5.1-> 
> 2.dmg
> Regards,
> John Ralls
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