In version 4, /libgnucash/app-utils/options.scm was the file in which a
list of old names and new names of report options that had been renamed
could be paired to maintain backward compatibility with saved report
configurations. This was via the option database code, inside
the new-names-alist function.

How does that work in version 5 with the report option code rewrite? I find
./gnucash/bindings/guile/options.scm but I don't see where I am supposed to
put the option renaming code in this version if it's even in that file.

I assume the correspondence list from version 4 should still be somewhere
but a search on some of the old option renaming does not return anything.
Do we not keep backward compatibility for saved report configurations when
going to the next major version? Regardless, if I want to propose renaming
an option in a PR, what code do I need to put where to keep backward


Vincent Dawans
gnucash-devel mailing list

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