
The book is available from booksellers like Booktopia online as well as direct
from the publishers.

Does anyone know Ashok Ramachandran or know how to contact him? For example he
might be interested inproducing an updated edition for GnuCash 4.x for example? 

A new version could be written from scratch but it would probably make more
sense to update the original. An Ashok Ramachandran (Australian citizen) was
recently appointed CEO of Schindler India. I don't know if he is the same person


On Tue, 2021-01-12 at 08:51 +1100, Liz wrote:
> I've just deflected a post to this list complaining that the link to
> buy the book Gnucash 2.4 Small Business Accounting is not sending this
> person to somewhere they can actually buy the book. Disregarding why
> Packt's site is not working for this person, should we be still
> advertising a 10 year old book for Gnucash, which is 2 full revisions
> old?
> The intent of my reply was to refer this person to gnucash-user. I've
> got a copy of the book "somewhere". Having moved house since I bought
> it I don't know where it is, so can't really look at it to check my
> facts.
> Some more views on whether we should still be advertising this book?
> Liz
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