Hi Liz,

I had no problems to access
or https://www.packtpub.com/eu/checkout/cart/index/
Note, they seem to differantiate by region/currency.

Do you know am more recent book about Business Accounting with Gnucash?

I do not know, how much we currently earn from them.


Am 11.01.21 um 22:51 schrieb Liz:
> https://gnucash.org/viewdoc.phtml?rev=4&lang=C&doc=help
> I've just deflected a post to this list complaining that the link to
> buy the book Gnucash 2.4 Small Business Accounting is not sending this
> person to somewhere they can actually buy the book. Disregarding why
> Packt's site is not working for this person, should we be still
> advertising a 10 year old book for Gnucash, which is 2 full revisions
> old?
> The intent of my reply was to refer this person to gnucash-user. I've
> got a copy of the book "somewhere". Having moved house since I bought
> it I don't know where it is, so can't really look at it to check my
> facts.
> Some more views on whether we should still be advertising this book?
> Liz

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