Releases 3.905-1 and previous 3.9x releases

OS: MacOS 10.15.5 (Catalina) MacBook Pro and Mac Mini hardwares

System log says (/var/log/system.log):

*Jun 21 17:15:55 rongovia[1]
([602]): Service exited
with abnormal code: 1*

(could not find other references to Gnucash in any other syslogs)

The problem: When you click on the application icon to launch Gnucash, you
get the "verifying Gnucash" scrollbar, then -- nothing.  Checking the
syslogs, you see the message above.  This is true when the program is
installed in /Applications, or clicked on directly from the mounted volume
from the dmg.

However, the program will start up correctly if you open a terminal window
and launch it via command-line, ie

cd /Applications/

I get:

*rongovia:MacOS jaearick$ ./Gnucash*

*Application Path

*(process:878): gnc.gui-**WARNING** **: **17:30:10.516**:
[mac_set_languages()] Language list: en:en_US:C*

and the splash screen and everything else appears normally.

I googled about this topic, and it has appeared in the past, but I did not
find an actual fix to the problem.

FYI, before this turns into a real 4.0 release.

--- Jeff Earickson
gnucash-devel mailing list

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