On Mon, 10 Feb 2020 at 22:28, Mike Alexander <m...@umich.edu> wrote:
> On 10 Feb 2020, at 6:27, Edward d'Auvergne wrote:
>> I realise that F::Q is broken in some places. As I said, I reported
>> an issue. However, as you have seen yourself, the F::Q developers are
>> simply non-responsive. I believe that asking all GnuCash users to
>> manually patch their own Finance::Quote perl modules to get around
>> this 2 year old issue is too much to ask of users. My reasoning is
>> that a little more logic on the GnuCash side to handle F::Q
>> misbehaving is easier for all GnuCash users. And, from the behaviour
>> of the scripts below, I now wonder if GnuCash could benefit by
>> switching from piping '(currency "USD" "EUR")' into gnc-fc-helper to
>> instead piping in '(alphavantage "USDEUR")'? The only disadvantage is
>> that gold and silver quotes do not work via the fetch() interface with
>> Alpha Vantage.
> I think I understand now why we've been talking past each other. There isn't 
> any API in F::Q to fetch multiple currency quotes in one call. Instead it's a 
> feature of AlphaVantage to treat exchange rates as if they were stock quotes 
> and use the stock quote API to fetch them. I wasn't aware that this existed.

I thought this was also the case with the old Yahoo API.  Maybe I am
confusing this with the original Finance::YahooQuote perl module that
does not separate currencies from other symbols?

> I played with it for a few minutes and see a couple of problems with it. Some 
> currencies are not available using the stock quote API but are available 
> using the currency API. For example three in my list of currencies which 
> don't work with the quote API are MNT, SBD, and VUV. These all work fine with 
> the currency API.
> The other problem is that for very small exchange rates the stock quote 
> interface loses precision. For example, compare
> ./gnc-fq-dump alphavantage IDRUSD
> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
> symbol: IDRUSD <=== required
> date: 02/10/2020 <=== recommended
> currency: USD <=== required
> last: 0.0001 <=\
> nav: <=== one of these
> price: <=/
> timezone: <=== optional
> and
> ./gnc-fq-dump currency IDR USD
> 1 IDR = 7.295e-05 USD
> These problems would make the quote API for currencies less useful.

F::Q uses this URL for all queries:


The result I see is:

    "Global Quote": {
        "01. symbol": "IDRUSD",
        "02. open": "0.0001",
        "03. high": "0.0001",
        "04. low": "0.0001",
        "05. price": "0.0001",
        "06. volume": "0",
        "07. latest trading day": "2020-02-10",
        "08. previous close": "0.0001",
        "09. change": "0.0000",
        "10. change percent": "0.0000%"

It looks like this code then kicks in, from the "currency" subroutine
in lib/Finance/Quote.pm:

if ( $exchange_rate < 0.001 ) {
    # exchange_rate is too little. we'll get more accuracy by using
    # the inverse rate and inverse it
    my $inverse_rate = $this->currency( $to, $from );
        local $^W = 0;
        return undef unless ( $exchange_rate + 0 );
    $exchange_rate = int( 100000000 / $inverse_rate + .5 ) / 100000000;

The "fetch" subroutine simply does not do that.  I guess you would
first have to identify that the symbol is a currency pair, then invert
it.  Not too difficult.  But then it comes back to the issue of
fixing/modifying F::Q itself.

> By the way, I didn't mean to suggest that we should encourage all users of 
> GnuCash to patch F::Q. I still remain hopeful that the maintainers will merge 
> my pull request that fixes this bug. In the meantime switching to the quote 
> API might be a good idea even if it does have issues. The code would have to 
> be smart enough to work around the problems. For example if the quote API 
> fails for a given currency it could try the currency API. If the returned 
> value appears to have lost all precision then it could try the reverse quote 
> and compute the reciprocal itself.

I finally found your pull request:
https://github.com/finance-quote/finance-quote/pull/130.  Your
changes, that were rejected, allow my previous script [1] to
successfully fetch the quotes in serial [2].  I'll try to create a
pure perl script to demonstrate that your bug fix is a proper bug fix,
and that they should reopen your pull request, merge it, and then
release F::Q v1.50!  If that works, then there wouldn't be any changes
required on the GnuCash side.  Well, apart from the error handling to
prevent GnuCash from segfaulting.

> Another possibility would be to abandon AlphaVantage entirely for currency 
> exchange rates. For example https://currencylayer.com/ looks promising. They 
> allow up to 250 queries per month for free and it seems very fast. Of course 
> this would require changes to F::Q which gets us right back into those 
> problems.

Maybe the user should be allowed to choose their favourite quote
provider via an environmental variable that F::Q recognises.



[1] The script from my previous mail in [5]:

#! /bin/sh

printf '\nParallel calls.\n'
start=`date +%s`
echo '(currency "USD" "AUD" "USD" "BRL" "USD" "CAD" "USD" "CHF" "USD"
"NOK" "USD" "NZD" "USD" "RUB" "USD" "SGD" "USD" "TWD" "USD" "XAU")' |
end=`date +%s`
printf "Parallel fetching in %s s\n" $time

printf '\nParallel calls.\n'
start=`date +%s`
echo '(currency "AUD" "BRL" "CAD" "CHF" "CNY" "CZK" "DKK" "EUR" "GBP"
"XAU")' | gnc-fq-helper
end=`date +%s`
printf "Parallel fetching in %s s\n" $time

printf '\nSerial calls.\n'
start=`date +%s`
echo '(currency "USD" "AUD")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "BRL")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "CAD")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "CHF")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "CNY")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "CZK")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "DKK")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "EUR")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "GBP")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "HKD")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "HRK")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "ILS")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "JPY")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "KRW")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "MYR")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "NOK")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "NZD")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "RUB")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "SGD")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "TWD")' | gnc-fq-helper
echo '(currency "USD" "XAU")' | gnc-fq-helper
end=`date +%s`
printf "Serial fetching in %s s\n" $time

[2]  The output from [1] with Mike's pull request changes:

$ ./gnc_fq_helper_testing2.sh

Parallel calls.
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:46:05")
(last . #e1.4894) (currency . "AUD")))
Parallel fetching in 2 s

Parallel calls.
(("AUD" (symbol . "AUD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:46:07")
(last . #e2.9031) (currency . "BRL")))
Parallel fetching in 2 s

Serial calls.
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:46:09")
(last . #e1.4894) (currency . "AUD")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:46:11")
(last . #e4.3236) (currency . "BRL")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:46:13")
(last . #e1.3294) (currency . "CAD")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:46:15")
(last . #e0.9775) (currency . "CHF")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:46:58")
(last . #e6.9757) (currency . "CNY")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:47:00")
(last . #e22.909) (currency . "CZK")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:47:02")
(last . #e6.8503) (currency . "DKK")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:47:04")
(last . #e0.9169) (currency . "EUR")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:47:06")
(last . #e0.775) (currency . "GBP")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:48:09")
(last . #e7.7636) (currency . "HKD")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:48:11")
(last . #e6.8318) (currency . "HRK")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:48:13")
(last . #e3.4204) (currency . "ILS")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:48:17")
(last . #e109.86) (currency . "JPY")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:48:18")
(last . #e1182.8) (currency . "KRW")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:49:01")
(last . #e4.136) (currency . "MYR")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:49:03")
(last . #e9.2716) (currency . "NOK")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:49:05")
(last . #e1.5647) (currency . "NZD")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:49:06")
(last . #e63.922) (currency . "RUB")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:49:08")
(last . #e1.3877) (currency . "SGD")))
(("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:50:12")
(last . #e29.993) (currency . "TWD")))
(("XAU" (symbol . "XAU") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2020-02-11 09:50:14")
(last . #e1568.9) (currency . "USD")))
Serial fetching in 247 s
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