On Sun, 19 Jan 2020 at 06:24, David H <hell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mike/Edward, I'm not sure if either of you have seen Vince's posting in 
> Finance-quote-devel <finance-quote-de...@lists.sourceforge.net> which seems 
> like he's working on a similar thing?
> Copy below....
> Cheers Dave H
> Hi,
> In June, Erik sent a message about his idea for cleaning up the FQ API to 
> have consistent ways to set/get instance variables and expand new to allow 
> for named parameters and module specific data.
> One benefit is a sustainable way to enable users to register API keys for 
> specific modules.
> I just pushed the branch "new-new" to explore these ideas.
> See the file 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/finance-quote/finance-quote/new-new/new-API-notes.txt
>  for details about the set/get methods.
> I used the new API to thread an API key to the IEXCloud module from the test 
> suite as an example:
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/finance-quote/finance-quote/new-new/t/iexcloud.t
> If there is agreement to proceed with the API update there are a few things 
> to do and I can help:
> - updating the POD documentation for Quote.pm
> - enabling AlphaVantage to use the module specific data as another source for 
> its API key
> - renew discussion with gnucash developers on enabling users to specify API 
> keys for more modules

I could be wrong, but looking at the 'new-API-notes.txt' file (link
above) I have the impression that these changes do not fix the issue
of multiple sequential calls to F::Q respecting the API request
limits.  As far as I can tell, it would allow the GnuCash perl script
to be rewritten to eliminate the while loop and instead call F::Q with
a long list of all symbols.  But the GnuCash side will need to know
the exact API request limit that the user has access to, and then pass
that into F::Q.

If this is the case, it would nevertheless require some UI
feedback/warning on the GnuCash side as fetching many quotes via the
GUI is going to be very, very slow.


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