Hi. Perhaps there's some partnership possible  I'm a 25+ year Fidelity
Investments customer and have several accounts with them.
Fidelity is OFX2 for these accounts. All of the accounts are classified as
"investment accounts" - some of which have a cash/checking account
associated with them.
If we can scrub/anonymize my data, then I could provide years worth of
testing data - whatever their servers will let me download.
Currently, I have been using "ofxget" to download the cash/checking
associated data and import it manually into gnucash, e.g.
   ofxget --version 200 --appid QWIN --appver 2700 --language ENG ...
I have not attempted importing stock, cap gains, dividends, etc. activity.
That is a level of complexity for account hierarchy, lots, etc. that is
beyond my time bandwidth.

If someone can make an anonymizer, then I can provide the test data.


On Sat, Feb 8, 2020 at 6:19 PM Martin Preuss <mar...@aquamaniac.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> Am 07.02.20 um 22:28 schrieb jeanl:
> > Like many of you I haven't been able to setup aqbanking, either on my
> windows
> > machine or on my mac machine. I've tried old revisions of gnucash, but I
> > haven't found the sweet spot.
> [...]
> The latest versions of AqBanking at least work with a OFX test server,
> so basically it should work again.
> In the past some people from this list offered support with testing new
> OFX code and I would like to hear from them how the code behaves with
> real servers...
> However, even without an OFX Direct Connect account the OFX import code
> of AqBanking can also be tested with real files.
> The current OFX importer supports OFX2 files (i.e. real XML files), so
> OFX2 files are now supported by our generic XML importer.
> This importer uses profile files written in XML to define how data is
> read from XML files into AqBankings internal import structures which are
> then imported by applications.
> The current OFX2 profile can be seen here:
> https://github.com/aqbanking/aqbanking/blob/master/src/libs/plugins/imexporters/xml/data/ofx2.xml
> To test the importer you can use this command (all in one line):
> -----------------------------------------------------X8
> aqbanking-cli import --importer=xml --profile=ofx2 -f SOURCEFILE -c
> -----------------------------------------------------X8
> The output file should then contain the imported data.
> Currently the profile file for OFX2 only handles balances and bank
> account transactions, due to lack of example files containing investment
> account transactions I can't support them, yet.
> However, as soon as I can get my hands on such a file (in OFX2 format)
> such support could be easily added. Even by others BTW, since the
> profile file is quite simple.
> Regards
> Martin
> --
> "Things are only impossible until they're not"
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