

I'm modifying my BackupGnuCash [1] tool to cater for the new locations of
GnuCash V3.

I've also added a dump of the Registry HKCU\Software\GSettings\org\gnucash.


I also want to backup the AqBanking settings if possible but I don't
actually use AqBanking.





Lastly if you are using AqBanking online banking

$HOME/.[aq]banking holds your online banking settings. In older versions it
was named

.banking but .aqbanking is the current name.


On my Windows 10 PC I have an old (2016) C:\Users\%USERNAME%\aqbanking
folder but not .aqbanking.

Can some-one please confirm the location of the aqbanking setup files for
Windows & Linux if possible?

And any difference between GnuCash V2/V3 AqBanking.


Can anyone suggest anything else my backup tool should backup?

(My new version already does all %APPDATA%\gnucash).


[1] http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Published_tools


Regards, Chris Good


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