> On Aug 17, 2017, at 2:47 PM, Mike Evans <mi...@saxicola.co.uk> wrote:
> I just received this from HMRC.
> Begin forwarded message:
> Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 10:46:57 +0000
> From: <sdst...@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk>
> To: <sdst...@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk>
> Subject: VAT Call for Software developers
> Dear All,
> I writing to tell you about a conference call that has been arranged for 
> 11:00am on 05 September 2017.
> You may be aware that the Government has proposed that businesses with a 
> turnover above the VAT threshold (currently £85,000) will be mandated to keep 
> digital records and submit data to HMRC through its secure API platform 
> service. The changes will take place from April 2019 for VAT.
> Current plans are to make the APIs available for private beta test in October 
> 2017 and we want to advise interested software vendors about our thinking as 
> well as provide them with an early opportunity to raise any issues or 
> questions. It will of course also help us identify if your company is 
> considering developing or enhancing a VAT product to support the proposals.
> We can then arrange to work with you going forward, providing the usual 
> technical assistance and other support needed to prepare for the pilot, from 
> April 18 and  in readiness for the changes being mandated from April 2019.
>  *   Only businesses with a turnover above the VAT threshold will have to 
> keep digital records and only for VAT purposes. They will only need to do so 
> from 2019.
>  *   Other businesses will be able to file digitally on a voluntary basis for 
> both VAT and Income Tax and NICs
> Our current development schedule is as follows
>  1.  October 2017 - private beta (API testing) with interested software 
> vendors
>  2.  April 2018 - public beta (pilot) data submission for VAT purposes (MVP 
> to include unincorporated businesses); we will be inviting business 
> volunteers throughout the year, anticipating that early adopters will already 
> be using software and therefore likely to already be your customers. These 
> will include both Tax Agents, their clients as well as unrepresented VAT 
> businesses.
>  3.  From April 2019 - data submission for VAT purposes (that is all 
> VAT-registered businesses whether the business is unincorporated or not); 
> Mandated for VAT registered businesses with a turnover above the VAT 
> threshold, but all VAT registered businesses can use the service.
> Please let me know if you intend to join the call so I can make the necessary 
> arrangements. Please send your reply to this email no later than 17:00 on  
> 24th August 2017.
> Kind Regards
> Dennis Dawkins |Senior Delivery Operations Lead| HMRC CDIO Digital - Software 
> Developers Collaboration -  Software Developers Support Team (SDST) | 2nd 
> Floor, Accounts Office Shipley, Victoria Street, Shipley BD98 8AA
> The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be 
> subject to legal professional privilege. Unless you are the intended 
> recipient or his/her representative you are not authorised to, and must not, 
> read, copy, distribute, use or retain this message or any part of it. If you 
> are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately.
> HM Revenue & Customs computer systems will be monitored and communications 
> carried on them recorded, to secure the effective operation of the system and 
> for lawful purposes.
> The Commissioners for HM Revenue and Customs are not liable for any personal 
> views of the sender. 


Can you attend the conference call and raise the issue about per-application 
secret keys that we've discussed here? I'd do it but I'll be back in California 
by then and I'm seldom compos mentis at 3AM.

John Ralls

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