Yes, I added "context" attribute to labels in xml file and after pot file
regeneration this market strings in po file has additional msgctxt lines.

I can't imagine how that change can affect c or scheme code as it was
static labels.
21.04.2014 20:18 пользователь "John Ralls" <> написал:

> On Apr 20, 2014, at 12:55 PM, Dmitry Pavlov <> wrote:
> > Sorry for delay: here is the branch:
> > Last commit contains planned changes. To minimize diff I applied updated
> pot file only for ru.po (most other po are outdated, so there was a lot of
> changed lines).
> > I'd be glad if someone could check these changes for compatibility with
> minimum lib version requirements, etc and ping me back if all is good. In
> case of that, I will update another po files with msgmerge and make pull
> request.
> >
> If I understand correctly, the two changes are creating context, which
> requires a certain minimum version of xgettext, and then using the context
> in the GtkBuilder ui files, which requires a minimum version of Gtk+. The
> latter was added in 5f3729b8, in July 2007. git describe says that's
> GTK_2_11_5-50-g5f3729b, so it was released in Gtk-2.12, so that part's OK.
> That also implies tat the context function has also been in gettext for at
> least as long, so that shouldn't be a worry, either.
> There’s another consideration, though: You need to see if C or Scheme code
> is affected. C isn’t much of a problem, just change gettext() to pgettext()
> and add the context string. The Guile gettext implementation doesn’t seem
> to include pgettext(), so that might be a problem.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
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