Hi John!

On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 08:18:17AM -0700, John Ralls wrote:
> On Apr 13, 2014, at 12:35 AM, Thomas Klausner <t...@giga.or.at> wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I'm using gnucash-2.6.3 from pkgsrc on NetBSD-6.99.40/amd64.
> > 
> > I see two recent changes compared to 2.4.13, the previous version in
> > pkgsrc.
> > 
> > The first: If I start gnucash without a terminal or in the background,
> > it doesn't finish startup. When started in the background, I see (with
> > zsh):
> > 
> >> gnucash &
> > [1] 7303
> >> 
> > [1]  + suspended (tty output)  gnucash
> > 
> > When I put it in the foreground again, it continues starting
> > successfully. This seems to happen during the splash screen, the last
> > thing that's displayed in the progress text at the bottom is
> > "gnucash/python". Perhaps this is a problem with a python module, but
> > how do I find out which?
> The problem is whatever output is going to the terminal. What is it?
> Note that you can work around the problem with a redirect: guncash > 
> /dev/null 2>&1 &

The only thing that's on stdout is "Found Finance::Quote version 1.18"
and that's been there forever; i.e. this was also there when I still
could start gnucash in the background. Nothing else is going to the
terminal (to make sure, I just re-tried with redirecting stdout and
stderr). Also, usually backgrounding a process doesn't cause issues
with output, it's just written anyway. For example "cat filename &"
works fine. So I'm confused why this stops the startup in this case.

> > The worse problem I have is when I try to run a graphical report (e.g.
> > Income & Expense / Expense barchart) I get a segfault:
> > 
> > zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  gnucash
> > 
> > The backtrace is not very helpful, even when compiled with '-g -O0':
> > (gdb) bt
> > #0  0x00007f7f87800a0c in ?? ()
> > #1  0x00007f7f857fe088 in ?? ()
> > #2  0x00007f7ff6a9efc0 in ?? ()
> > #3  0x00007f7feb1641a8 in ?? ()
> > #4  0x00007f7ff6a9e1c0 in ?? ()
> > #5  0x00007f7fee3be8e8 in ?? ()
> > #6  0x00007f7feecf9c00 in WTF::central_cache () from 
> > /usr/pkg/lib/libjavascriptcoregtk-1.0.so.0
> > #7  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
> > 
> > I have webkit-gtk-1.10.2 installed if that matters.
> That's because the crash isn't in GnuCash. You need to get the debug symbols 
> for more packages. I'd start with glib, gtk, and webkit and see if that fills 
> in the blanks or provides clues to what other symbols you might need.

Can you tell me more about how displaying the graphs is supposed to
work? gnucash creates a javascript file and then does what to display
it? I understand you're saying that it's not a gnucash problem, so
perhaps we can separate it from gnucash. Though I do get a
gnucash.core file.
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