Hi Carsten! I'm fine with trying out debugging options. With "--debug --log gnc=debug", the log ends in:
* 14:01:37 INFO <gnc.account> [xaccAccountGetBalanceInCurrency] baln=0/100 * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [leave gnc_tree_model_account_get_value()] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [enter gnc-tree-model-account.c:gnc_tree_model_account_get_iter()] model 0x7f7ff1df4520, iter 0x7f7fffff9e48, path 0:3:9 * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [leave gnc_tree_model_account_get_iter()] iter [stamp:db6580d5 data:0x7f7ff2596e40 (nfotex), 0x7f7ff2596120, 9] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [enter gnc-tree-model-account.c:gnc_tree_model_account_get_value()] model 0x7f7ff1df4520, iter [stamp:db6580d5 data:0x7f7ff2596e40 (nfotex), 0x7f7ff2596120, 9], col 18 * 14:01:37 INFO <gnc.account> [xaccAccountGetBalanceInCurrency] baln=0/100 * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [leave gnc_tree_model_account_get_value()] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.html> [enter gnc-html-webkit.c:impl_webkit_show_data()] datalen 7440, data <!DOCTYPE html PUBLI * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.html> [impl_webkit_show_data] Loading uri 'file:////var/tmp/gnc-report-XEN7DX.html' * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.html> [enter gnc-html-webkit.c:webkit_navigation_requested_cb()] requesting file:////var/tmp/gnc-report-XEN7DX.html * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.html> [gnc_html_parse_url] parsing file:////var/tmp/gnc-report-XEN7DX.html, base_location (null base_location) * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.html> [leave webkit_navigation_requested_cb()] URI type is 'file' * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.html> [leave impl_webkit_show_data()] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [enter gnc-plugin-page-report.c:gnc_plugin_page_report_load_cb()] load_cb: type=[report], location=[id=0], label=[(null)] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [gnc_plugin_page_report_load_cb] parsed id=0 * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [leave gnc_plugin_page_report_load_cb()] done * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [leave gnc_plugin_page_report_create_widget()] container 0x7f7ff77fb320 * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.app-utils.gsettings> [enter gnc-gsettings.c:gnc_gsettings_get_schema_ptr()] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.app-utils.gsettings> [gnc_gsettings_get_schema_ptr] Looking for schema org.gnucash.general returned gsettings 0x7f7ff7b22920 * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.app-utils.gsettings> [leave gnc_gsettings_get_schema_ptr()] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.app-utils.gsettings> [enter gnc-gsettings.c:gnc_gsettings_get_schema_ptr()] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.app-utils.gsettings> [gnc_gsettings_get_schema_ptr] Looking for schema org.gnucash.general returned gsettings 0x7f7ff7b22920 * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.app-utils.gsettings> [leave gnc_gsettings_get_schema_ptr()] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [enter gnc-main-window.c:gnc_main_window_switch_page()] Notebook 0x7f7ff731d0c0, page, 0x7f7ff77fb320, index 1, window 0x7f7ff7bcb240 * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [enter gnc-plugin.c:gnc_plugin_add_actions()] ui_merge 0x7f7ff77ea480, action_group 0x7f7ff67a5e60, filename gnc-plugin-page-report-ui.xml * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [gnc_plugin_add_actions] merge_id is 21 * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [leave gnc_plugin_add_actions()] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [enter gnc-main-window.c:gnc_main_window_update_menu_item()] window 0x7f7ff7bcb240 * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [enter gnc-main-window.c:gnc_main_window_update_one_menu_action()] window 0x7f7ff7bcb240, action Window0Action, label _1 2014.gnucash (read-only) - Expense Over Time - GnuCash, visible 1 * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [leave gnc_main_window_update_one_menu_action()] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [leave gnc_main_window_update_menu_item()] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [leave gnc_main_window_switch_page()] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [leave gnc_main_window_open_page()] * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [enter gnc-plugin-page-report.c:gnc_plugin_page_report_expose_event_cb()] report_draw * 14:01:37 DEBUG <gnc.gui> [leave gnc_plugin_page_report_expose_event_cb()] no reload needed Oh, that contains the filename "file:////var/tmp/gnc-report-XEN7DX.html" -- opening that in firefox works. So I can at least look at the result :) I don't see anything obvious in the log though. Thomas (Btw, it's "Thomas", not "Klaus") On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 11:43:46AM +0200, Carsten Rinke wrote: > Hi Klaus, > > I know this is a bit of playing around ... > > Did you try running gnucash with the "--debug --log gnc=debug" option? > Does that reveal more info in the trace log? > > Carsten > > On 04/13/2014 10:45 AM, Thomas Klausner wrote: > >Hi Carsten! > > > >On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 10:34:20AM +0200, Carsten Rinke wrote: > >>the gnucash.trace file is created automatically and re-written at each start > >>up. > >> > >>Maybe you don't see it because your crash comes before this file is filled > >>with data. > >> > >>Just to double-check: > >>If you start gnucash successfully (no crash), and close it again gracefully > >>(no attempt of graphical report creation) the file should be there. > >No, I don't get any gnucash* file in /tmp (or . or $HOME) even in with > >a successful exit. > > > >Ok, I've ktraced the process, the file is in /var/tmp/gnucash.trace. > >Looking at it, I see a report: > > > >* 10:41:43 MESSG <gnc.scm> <script language="javascript" > >type="text/javascript" > >src="file:///usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jquery.min.js"></script> > ><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" > >src="file:///usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jquery.jqplot.js"></script> > ><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" > >src="file:///usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.barRenderer.js"></script> > ><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" > >src="file:///usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.categoryAxisRenderer.js"></script> > ><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" > >src="file:///usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.highlighter.js"></script> > ><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" > >src="file:///usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.canvasTextRenderer.js"></script> > ><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" > >src="file:///usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.canvasAxisTickRenderer.js"></script> > ><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" > >href="file:///usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jquery.jqplot.css" /> > ><div id="chart-968125" style="width:400px;height:400px;"></div> > ><script id="source"> > >$(function () {var data = [];var series = []; > >var d0 = []; > >... > > function formatTooltip(str, seriesIndex, pointIndex) { > > if (options.axes.xaxis.ticks[pointIndex] !== undefined) > > x = options.axes.xaxis.ticks[pointIndex]; > > else > > x = pointIndex; > > y = data[seriesIndex][pointIndex][1].toFixed(2); > > return options.series[seriesIndex].label + ' ' + x + '<br><b>' + y + > > '</b>'; > > } > >}); > ></script> > > > >Then a few lines of (with varying x/y): > > > >* 10:41:43 INFO <gnc.account> [xaccAccountGetBalanceInCurrency] baln=x/y > > > >And then it ends. > > Thomas > > > >>Carsten > >> > >>On 04/13/2014 10:10 AM, Thomas Klausner wrote: > >>>Hi Carsten! > >>> > >>>Thanks for your reply. > >>> > >>>On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 09:56:11AM +0200, Carsten Rinke wrote: > >>>>two first thoughts: > >>>> > >>>>- is 'jqpplot' part of the package? > >>>>The display of graphical reports has changed from gnuplot to jqplot > >>>>between > >>>>2.4 and 2.6. > >>>>Should reside under <gnucash-installation-path>/share/gnucash/jqplot. > >>>Yes: > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.BezierCurveRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.barRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.blockRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.bubbleRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.canvasAxisLabelRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.canvasAxisTickRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.canvasTextRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.categoryAxisRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.ciParser.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.cursor.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.dateAxisRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.donutRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.dragable.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.enhancedLegendRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.funnelRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.highlighter.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.json2.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.logAxisRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.mekkoAxisRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.mekkoRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.meterGaugeRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.ohlcRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.pieRenderer.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.pointLabels.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jqplot.trendline.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jquery.jqplot.css > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jquery.jqplot.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/jqplot/jquery.min.js > >>>/usr/pkg/share/gnucash/scm/html-jqplot.scm > >>> > >>>I see that these are javascript, does this need any particular support > >>>in any of the libraries gnucash depends upon? > >>> > >>>>- can you find something interesting in /tmp/gnucash.trace? > >>>>Maybe try running "gnucash --debug --log gnc.scm=debug" to get more info > >>>>into this trace. > >>>I don't have any /tmp/gnucash* , not even when I start it as you > >>>suggested. How do I make gnucash create that? > >>> Thomas > >>> > >>>>Gruss, > >>>>/Carsten > >>>> > >>>> > >>>>On 04/13/2014 09:35 AM, Thomas Klausner wrote: > >>>>>Hi! > >>>>> > >>>>>I'm using gnucash-2.6.3 from pkgsrc on NetBSD-6.99.40/amd64. > >>>>> > >>>>>I see two recent changes compared to 2.4.13, the previous version in > >>>>>pkgsrc. > >>>>> > >>>>>The first: If I start gnucash without a terminal or in the background, > >>>>>it doesn't finish startup. When started in the background, I see (with > >>>>>zsh): > >>>>> > >>>>>>gnucash & > >>>>>[1] 7303 > >>>>>[1] + suspended (tty output) gnucash > >>>>> > >>>>>When I put it in the foreground again, it continues starting > >>>>>successfully. This seems to happen during the splash screen, the last > >>>>>thing that's displayed in the progress text at the bottom is > >>>>>"gnucash/python". Perhaps this is a problem with a python module, but > >>>>>how do I find out which? > >>>>> > >>>>>The worse problem I have is when I try to run a graphical report (e.g. > >>>>>Income & Expense / Expense barchart) I get a segfault: > >>>>> > >>>>>zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped) gnucash > >>>>> > >>>>>The backtrace is not very helpful, even when compiled with '-g -O0': > >>>>>(gdb) bt > >>>>>#0 0x00007f7f87800a0c in ?? () > >>>>>#1 0x00007f7f857fe088 in ?? () > >>>>>#2 0x00007f7ff6a9efc0 in ?? () > >>>>>#3 0x00007f7feb1641a8 in ?? () > >>>>>#4 0x00007f7ff6a9e1c0 in ?? () > >>>>>#5 0x00007f7fee3be8e8 in ?? () > >>>>>#6 0x00007f7feecf9c00 in WTF::central_cache () from > >>>>>/usr/pkg/lib/libjavascriptcoregtk-1.0.so.0 > >>>>>#7 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () > >>>>> > >>>>>I have webkit-gtk-1.10.2 installed if that matters. > >>>>> > >>>>>Thanks, > >>>>> Thomas > >>>>>_______________________________________________ > >>>>>gnucash-devel mailing list > >>>>>gnucash-devel@gnucash.org > >>>>>https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-devel > >>>>> > >>>>_______________________________________________ > >>>>gnucash-devel mailing list > >>>>gnucash-devel@gnucash.org > >>>>https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-devel > >>>> > >>_______________________________________________ > >>gnucash-devel mailing list > >>gnucash-devel@gnucash.org > >>https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-devel > >> > > _______________________________________________ > gnucash-devel mailing list > gnucash-devel@gnucash.org > https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-devel > _______________________________________________ gnucash-devel mailing list gnucash-devel@gnucash.org https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-devel