Just a reminder that this is still happening this weekend.
However, I'm still not 100% sure on the exact time it will happen.
I'll PROBABLY be starting around 1pm US/ET (1800 UTC) on Saturday, but
don't quote me on that.  :)

I'll send out an email before I start, push a news article to www, and
I'll be on IRC for questions and updates.


Derek Atkins <warl...@mit.edu> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm going to migrate 'code.gnucash.org' (our "everything" server) to a
> new VM/OS install on the weekend of February 1-2.  I expect this move
> will take several hours, during which time all access to email, email
> archives, wiki, svn, trac, IRC logs, etc will all be unavailable.  This
> is necessary because the services must be disabled on the old server to
> move the data behind them to the new OS.  Most of the data has already
> been migrated so the majority of time is going to be testing and running
> "update" scripts to make sure everything is back up correctly.
> I don't have an exact Time of Day yet when I expect this migration to
> take place.  When I have a better idea I'll send email.  That choice
> will probably happen last-minute due to family obligations.
> I'll be in the #gnucash IRC chat room during the migration and will be
> able to provide status updates there.
> A few notes (mostly for developers):
> 1) The new server will not have Subversion access.  If it turns out that
>    we *need* read-only svn access I can turn it on, but I'm hoping we
>    don't need it.  SVN has also been blocked for writing; again, if we
>    need to change that we can work on it.
> 2) As of this server migration we'll also be migrating to GIT as our
>    primary push repository.  Make sure you're familiar.  You should be
>    able to at least "pull" from the git service on the current "code".
> 3) I'm taking the opportunity to refresh the SSH keys on the server.
>    This means all developers with commit access will need to manually
>    refresh your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, otherwise ssh will complain.
>    The new host has two new keys with the following fingerprints:
>    256 a0:35:2a:54:ce:df:1b:b8:82:5e:11:83:73:50:47:55   (ECDSA)
>    2048 20:23:3d:df:f3:13:34:c1:32:ca:11:77:24:21:98:01   (RSA)
> Let me know if you have any questions!
> Thanks,
> -derek

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warl...@mit.edu                        PGP key available
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