
I'm going to migrate 'code.gnucash.org' (our "everything" server) to a
new VM/OS install on the weekend of February 1-2.  I expect this move
will take several hours, during which time all access to email, email
archives, wiki, svn, trac, IRC logs, etc will all be unavailable.  This
is necessary because the services must be disabled on the old server to
move the data behind them to the new OS.  Most of the data has already
been migrated so the majority of time is going to be testing and running
"update" scripts to make sure everything is back up correctly.

I don't have an exact Time of Day yet when I expect this migration to
take place.  When I have a better idea I'll send email.  That choice
will probably happen last-minute due to family obligations.

I'll be in the #gnucash IRC chat room during the migration and will be
able to provide status updates there.

A few notes (mostly for developers):

1) The new server will not have Subversion access.  If it turns out that
   we *need* read-only svn access I can turn it on, but I'm hoping we
   don't need it.  SVN has also been blocked for writing; again, if we
   need to change that we can work on it.

2) As of this server migration we'll also be migrating to GIT as our
   primary push repository.  Make sure you're familiar.  You should be
   able to at least "pull" from the git service on the current "code".

3) I'm taking the opportunity to refresh the SSH keys on the server.
   This means all developers with commit access will need to manually
   refresh your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, otherwise ssh will complain.
   The new host has two new keys with the following fingerprints:

   256 a0:35:2a:54:ce:df:1b:b8:82:5e:11:83:73:50:47:55   (ECDSA)
   2048 20:23:3d:df:f3:13:34:c1:32:ca:11:77:24:21:98:01   (RSA)

Let me know if you have any questions!


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warl...@mit.edu                        PGP key available
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