Geert Janssens <> writes:

>> FYI, I was looking into something like gitolite for
>> Not sure if there is something better?
> I don't know. I have never set up a git server myself. I have quickly
> browsed through the basic documentation. At first sight I'm wondering
> what advantages does gitolite provide compared to a plain ssh+git
> setup similar to what we currently use for svn ?

The benefit is that you don't need a local account on the server.  We
can delegate git admin rights so that any 'admin' can add new people.

> Perhaps the ability to have multiple admins  that can manage the whole
> git setup, which I consider an advantage.

Yes, exactly.

> I didn't see a web interface (other than a reference to the external
> gitweb tool, which is used for the kernel). I don't know if we need
> one for I'm just thinking out loud as we had trac
> for svn. But for git we can use github as webinterface.

True.  We could *try* to set up something like gitweb.

> Without wanting to push you, did you have a (rough) time frame in mind
> to set something up for testing ?

If we decide what we want I can try to set it up relatively quickly.
The IETF is next week and I'm out of town the following weekend, so if I
don't get it done by Saturday it might have to wait for a week or two.

> Geert


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH                        PGP key available
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