On 31-10-12 14:54, Derek Atkins wrote:
Geert Janssens <janssens-ge...@telenet.be> writes:


After some hiatus, I am now continuing to push our git migration. I
just pushed a patch to let the Windows build pull the gnucash-docs
sources from git instead of svn. Works fine on my test machine, we'll
see tomorrow if it also works on the build server.

Then there are several items to discuss left. I'll start separate
mails for each to keep the discussions somewhat focused. Previous
attempts resulted in large threads with several discussions mixing up.
FYI, I was looking into something like gitolite for code.gnucash.org
Not sure if there is something better?

I don't know. I have never set up a git server myself. I have quickly browsed through the basic documentation. At first sight I'm wondering what advantages does gitolite provide compared to a plain ssh+git setup similar to what we currently use for svn ?

Perhaps the ability to have multiple admins that can manage the whole git setup, which I consider an advantage.

I didn't see a web interface (other than a reference to the external gitweb tool, which is used for the kernel). I don't know if we need one for code.gnucash.org. I'm just thinking out loud as we had trac for svn. But for git we can use github as webinterface.

Without wanting to push you, did you have a (rough) time frame in mind to set something up for testing ?

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