On 14-08-12 16:11, Derek Atkins wrote:
I just still feel that the master repo should be on code, and that the
committers should be able to push there. Then it can sync to github for
everyone else.
I suppose it could work in reverse, where the committers push to github
master and then code pulls from there, but I don't like that as much for
reasons that I'm still apparently not able to clearly explain.
Since Git is distributed, the above two strategies are the same. The
only difference is which repo will be behind by several hours or
minutes depending on the pull frequency.
True. I could set up code to pull from github in near real-time based
on either an email or web kick. I don't know if there's some way to
send github an event to kick off a pull from code.
For each commit you get on code.gnucash.org, you could trigger a git
push command using github as upstream repository.
But to avoid potential merging conflicts, only code.gnucash.org should
then be allowed to push to the github master repo. This is the same
restriction as we currently have with svn -> github.
But that is irrelevant of the direction in which you wish to sync. If
you want the sync to work without human intervention, you should avoid
any merging conflicts. And that is easiest by guaranteeing only one
source can push updates.
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