On 10/07/2012 22:29, Ngewi Fet wrote:
Hi Graham,

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Graham Menhennitt <gra...@menhennitt.com.au <mailto:gra...@menhennitt.com.au>> wrote:

    On 09/07/2012 20:44, Ngewi Fet wrote:

        The Gnucash for Android app is now ready for a small alpha
        release. The
        app supports android versions from Froyo 2.2 (API level 8) and

    I downloaded it to my Galaxy Tab 10.1 and installed it without
    problems. I can enter transactions and export to OFX (although I
    haven't tried importing the file yet). But I can't get to the
    Settings in either the main screen or an account screen - should I
    be able to? Also, it's recording amounts in GBP (£) whereas I want
    to use AUD ($). Is that a locale thing on the device or is that a
    program setting? I can't find anywhere to change it in the Android

Importing an OFX file is not supported. Don't bother trying. :)
I meant importing the file generated by Mobile into Gnucash on my desktop (to check that it's valid).
No you shouldn't be able to get to the Settings screen (not yet). But you should be able to view the list of accounts and list of transactions.
That's what i guessed.
The currency currently derives from the phone locale, but I plan to make that user-changeable in the future. I also do not think you can change it in Android individually, you can only change the whole system locale.
Ok, that's what I expected. But I can't find how to change the device's locale. It looks like I need to install an app (e.g. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bruce.setlocale&hl=en) to change it which seems very strange.


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