On 09/07/2012 20:44, Ngewi Fet wrote:
It's about mid-term in the Google Summer of Code program and I would like
to share what I've been working on.

The Gnucash for Android app is now ready for a small alpha release. The
app supports android versions from Froyo 2.2 (API level 8) and above.

Hi Ngewi,

I downloaded it to my Galaxy Tab 10.1 and installed it without problems. I can enter transactions and export to OFX (although I haven't tried importing the file yet). But I can't get to the Settings in either the main screen or an account screen - should I be able to? Also, it's recording amounts in GBP (£) whereas I want to use AUD ($). Is that a locale thing on the device or is that a program setting? I can't find anywhere to change it in the Android settings.

But it looks very good for a first alpha. Keep up the great work!

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