Hi Derek,

You have some good points. See below:

On 2011-01-02, at 20:56, Derek Atkins wrote:

>> […]
> I think it is premature to have a "canonical" git repository.
> […]
> until we, the set of developers, decide as a group to migrate to git we
> should not bless any tree as "the canonical tree”.

This was actually why I suggested a ‘gatekeeper’ Git repo which we use to 
access the canonical SVN repo.[1] Any devs comfortable with Git will use the 
gatekeeper, and any devs comfortable with SVN will use the canonical. The 
gatekeeper will be a perfect mirror of the canonical, except it will be out of 
sync by a few hours to a day (or not even that, depending on how we automate 
the syncing process). Thanks to git-svn, this is completely possible and what a 
bunch of people are doing now.

> I suspect it will take
> a number of experimental migrations to make sure we get a complete
> migration including history.

Actually, Git’s history import is pretty much rock-solid. The only thing that’s 
less than perfect is that author names and email addresses aren’t automatically 
imported. But this can be solved by giving the importer a map file like the 

yawaramin = Yawar Amin <yawar.a...@gmail.com>
bobsmith = Bob Smith <bobsm...@example.com>

I can prepare a map file. But before I do that, let me just ask: would we mind 
not having the full names and email addresses of historical committers in the 
Git history? We know who the contributors are, they’re listed in the relevant 
AUTHORS files and other places; plus their usernames (lapham, wilddev, cstim, 
warlord, etc.) are in the commit history. Just a thought. Commits made into the 
Git repo will of course have names and emails.

> So..  Feel free to play with git.  But don't expect your SHA history to
> remain 100% complete or that the repo you create will at all resemble the
> "offical" git repo, assuming we do change over to git.

I think a bunch of us have been using Git (git-svn to be precise) to interact 
with the canonical SVN repo for a while now. The gatekeeper repo would just 
simplify things for us–it would move the synchronization step into one point 
instead of spread out among the (several? many?) Git users.

If we did change over to Git, we’d just clone the gatekeeper repo, put that 
cloned repo on the GnuCash server, and call it the ‘canonical’ Git repo–so 
actually, the commit SHAs would be exactly the same :-)

> And for the record, I feel using github would be okay for these trials,
> but the official git repository should remain on our own server. 
> (Creating git.gnucash.org as a cname for code is perfectly reasonable, if
> we decide to move to git).

Sounds good to me.

> So let me push this back to you and ask:  Why do you want git?  What does
> git provide that we're not getting with SVN (other than personal,
> "offline" branches,

Compared to SVN: topic/feature/bugfix branches. For example look at [2] and 
notice how each bug I’ve worked on has been in a separate Git branch. That 
history has been squished flat by SVN, but Git remembers the branchy 
development. Easy experimentation without getting in anyone’s way or cluttering 
the source tree. E.g. look at [3]. We could have a hundred of those in Git 
branches and maybe some of them would be the next killer features. Easy 
merging. Easy backup of full history (every dev with a clone of the repo on 
their computer effectively has a full backup). OpenPGP signatures on tagged 
commits. SHA1 verification of repo integrity (tamper-proofing, malicious intent 
or otherwise). Built-in author attribution–Git records both who authored the 
patch and who committed it to the repo. And, not directly a Git feature but 
still: GitHub is pretty cool :-)

> which you can get through git-svn

Compared to git-svn: a simpler, more streamlined workflow. Not having to 
remember arcane implementation details (i.e. git-svn looks at the ‘left’ branch 
when doing a merge to figure out what SVN revision to merge into). Efficiency 
gain by syncing at one point instead of all git-svn users syncing individually.

> or svk or a number
> of other tools)?

Compared to svk: can’t say. I don’t know svk. :-)

Anyway, to end with a clear next action: John, would you be kind enough to 
create a ‘gnucash’ organization on GitHub and upload your repo there? I would 
like to clone it and try working on #634456.



[1] I tried to avoid the word ‘canonical’ in my previous email because it 
sounds like a certain famous open source software company … but anyway. :-)
[2] https://github.com/yawaramin/gnucash-docs/network
[3] http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/gnucash/trunk/src/experimental

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