On Jan 2, 2011, at 2:33 PM, Yawar Amin wrote:

> Does anyone have a public, maintained Git repo of the entire GnuCash source 
> tree? I’m trying to set up an Ubuntu 10.10 build so I can tweak some stuff 
> and try it out. I’d prefer not using git-svn to gulp down the entire svn 
> history from the svn.gnucash.org server.
> On another note, now that 2.4.0 is out, how do we feel about setting up an 
> official Git repo, say git.gnucash.org? Or even an official GnuCash repo on 
> GitHub/Gitorious/something else.

Not that I know of, but I'm willing to make one and put it somewhere. Our 
sourceforge project would be a logical place if Christian or Derek would set it 
up. (I think they're the ones with admin privs, but that's based on the "by" 
line because I don't have privs to see the member page).

In the meantime, for just testing stuff out you can always cheat and initialize 
an svn sandbox with git:

$ manjusri:/usr/local/src> cd gnucash-svn/
$ manjusri:r/local/src/gnucash-svn> git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Volumes/RAID1/local/src/gnucash-svn/.git/
$ manjusri:r/local/src/gnucash-svn> cat > .gitignore
$ manjusri:r/local/src/gnucash-svn> git add .
$ manjusri:r/local/src/gnucash-svn> git commit -m "Initial Import"
[master (root-commit) 95400fb] Initial Import
 3731 files changed, 2616744 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 [List of all the files added]

Then you make whatever branches you want and do your work in them. 
To catch up from svn:
$ manjusri:/usr/local/src> git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
$ manjusri:/usr/local/src> svn up
$ manjusri:/usr/local/src> git add .
$ manjusri:/usr/local/src> git commit -a -m "Message about updating to rev 

To put your work back in svn, either merge or cherry-pick into master and then 
commit the result with svn.
Just remember to keep your master branch clean of ongoing development work so 
that git and svn don't get confused.

John Ralls

gnucash-devel mailing list

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