Hi David,

On Freitag, 18. September 2009, David Reiser wrote:
> Great. Thanks. The docs on that are a bit thin...

We have this information in out "AqBanking4 Handbook" (which is only in German 
since most users of AqBanking are from Germany).

> It looks to me like settings information was stored in:
> ~/.banking for version 2
> ~/.aqbanking for version 3
> ~/.aqbanking/settings for version 4

That's correct.

> I'm thinking of running 'aqbanking-cli upgradeconf' as a post install
> step for  aqbanking 4 if the directory ~/.aqbanking/settings doesn't
> exist. Is that a terribly unsafe approach?

No, this should be perfect. However, the autoamtic upgrade seems to have a few 
problems when updating from very old configuration (2.x) which we haven't 
quite figured out. 

Anyway, AqBanking contains a few functions which can be called by an 
application to check and/or upgrade an existing configuration. These functions 
are used in QBankManager and could also be used by GnuCash...

> eliminate the (mistakenly) created version 4 information. How far
> would they have to get in the setup wizard to make the aqbanking-cli
> upgrade attempt fail because the version 4 configuration already exists?

Good question... The function AB_Banking_HasConf4() checks whether there is at 
least a single user setup in the configuration. If so it is assumed that a 
configuration for AqBanking4 exists, otherwise is is assumed that there is no 
complete configuration and import of lower versioned configurations can be 

So automated updates will only fail if there already is at least a single user 


"Things are only impossible until they're not"

Martin Preuss - http://www2.aquamaniac.de/
AqBanking - http://www.aqbanking.de/
LibChipcard - http://www.libchipcard.de/

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