On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Dave Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Charles Day wrote:
>> Dare I ask: fink or macports?  I don't quite understand the difference. I
>> think you said that someone compiled gnucash for aqua using macports, which
>> sounds promising.
> Fink for me. They're just two different packaging systems. Macports has a
> bit of help directly from Apple these days, but they have different
> strengths. Macports tends to jump on updates faster, but that can break
> already installed stuff unexpectedly. Fink is more cautious (but not error
> free), but that tends to make them slower in the gnome realm. Fink's kde
> maintainer is quicker to package new versions than macports. Both suffer
> from a shortage of active maintainers.
> Macports provides some additional flexibility in variants of packages, and
> I think they have a built-in option to build a .app.
> see the thread starting at:
> http://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-users/2008-October/012018.html
> for info on the aqua build.
> Once the problems with gnome 2.22 vs 2.24 get ironed out in fink, I'll see
> if the fink gnome guru is willing to look at the --without-x11 versions of
> various things to work with gtk-aqua.

Dave, I don't know if you saw already from the macports user mailing list,
but from following that link and asking a few questions I was eventually
able to use macports to build GnuCash on 10.5.5 without x11. It seems to
work OK, though I have not exercised it much.

Supposedly it should now be possible to generate GnuCash as a .app but I
don't think it has been done successfully yet.

> Dave
> --
> David Reiser

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