On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 4:12 PM, David Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On Oct 26, 2008, at 6:44 PM, Charles Day wrote:
>  What is the current state as far as doing GnuCash development on Leopard?
>> I
>> now have a spiffy new MacBook Pro at my disposal, so I am trying to shift
>> away from developing on XP. I read the FAQ but the information sounded
>> enough out-of-date that I thought I should ask for a update to
>> double-check
>> before diving in.
>> 1. Is it readily possible to do GnuCash development, compilation, and
>> testing work from within Leopard, via macports or fink or otherwise?
> I always have one or more fink gnucash installs around plus gnucash trunk.
> I found the best way to make sure I had all the dependencies was to install
> the latest fink gnucash ('fink install gnucash2'), and then set up an /opt
> install of trunk (/opt is not in my path) for testing/development:
> guile18-build PERL_PATH=/usr/bin/perl PERL=/usr/bin/perl
> LIBRARY_PATH=/sw/lib CPATH=/sw/include ./configure --enable-error-on-warning
> --enable-compile-warnings --prefix=/opt/gnucash-svn --enable-debug
> --enable-doxygen --enable-ofx  --enable-hbci --with-dbi-dbd-dir=/sw/lib/dbd
> the guile18-build is a fink-installed bit that just sets environment stuff
> to find fink's guile. I force the system perl because there were some issues
> switching back and forth between fink's and the system's. But I still use
> fink to install finance-quote...
> There's some grumbling about that the latest gtk+ has broken gtkhtml and
> evince in fink (making it hard to install gnucash2). But others have
> apparently succeeded.
> There's also one report that finance-quote 1.14 was causing a problem
> (didn't for me). I'll try to get f-q 1.15 committed tonight.
> When I got started, it was easier for me to figure out fink than macports.
> Fink will also keep old shared libraries around so as not to break already
> compiled stuff. If you're careful about general port updating, that may not
> be a problem for you.

Dare I ask: fink or macports?  I don't quite understand the difference. I
think you said that someone compiled gnucash for aqua using macports, which
sounds promising.

>> 2. Is it just easier to do the work in Linux or XP running in a virtual
>> machine, e.g. vmware fusion or parallels? (I would rather not have to dual
>> boot.)
> Maybe Linux in a virtual machine, but I'd be really surprised if XP was
> easier than native Mac -- OS X is a unix variant after all.
>> Cheers,
>> Charles
> Dave
> --
> David Reiser
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