Hi Phil,

On So, 2008-07-27 at 10:09 -0700, Phil Longstaff wrote:
> I've just completed a basic test.  I created a basic XML file with
> some standard accounts, and then added a transaction, a budget, a
> price, a customer, ... till I had 1 of each type of object (except an
> order - how do I create one?).  My test is then:
> 1) start gc with the XML file, save-as to a DBI sqlite3 db, then quit
> 2) start gc with the sqlite3 db, save-as to an XML file, then quit
> 3) compare the two XML files.
> The only differences are:
> 1) Sometimes, some slots are in different orders
> 2) There is one more account in the scheduled transaction section.
> Where the original XML file had a ROOT account A, the XML file saved
> in step 2 had a ROOT account B, then A was a child of B.  I noticed
> that the XML backend never sets the book's template root account, so I
> think what happens is that a template root is created (became B) which
> was never part of the original XML file.
> To me, this demonstrates that objects can be saved to and loaded from
> the sqlite db without being changed.  I haven't figured out how to
> create an order to test whether it is saved and restored without
> change.
> There may, obviously, be bugs.  What is the next step?  Have more
> people try it out?  Roll it into trunk?

Personally, I would like that.  +1

-- andi5

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