I've just completed a basic test.  I created a basic XML file with some 
standard accounts, and then added a transaction, a budget, a price, a customer, 
... till I had 1 of each type of object (except an order - how do I create 
one?).  My test is then:

1) start gc with the XML file, save-as to a DBI sqlite3 db, then quit
2) start gc with the sqlite3 db, save-as to an XML file, then quit
3) compare the two XML files.

The only differences are:
1) Sometimes, some slots are in different orders
2) There is one more account in the scheduled transaction section.  Where the 
original XML file had a ROOT account A, the XML file saved in step 2 had a ROOT 
account B, then A was a child of B.  I noticed that the XML backend never sets 
the book's template root account, so I think what happens is that a template 
root is created (became B) which was never part of the original XML file.

To me, this demonstrates that objects can be saved to and loaded from the 
sqlite db without being changed.  I haven't figured out how to create an order 
to test whether it is saved and restored without change.

There may, obviously, be bugs.  What is the next step?  Have more people try it 
out?  Roll it into trunk?

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