Sorry about the misattribution - I think Derek suggested the checkbox.

And yes, I am offering to collect at least the issues I am running 
across and write them up for posterity.  There is nothing earth 
shattering (my biggest problems were fixed by patches that have already 
been committed).

  - Bill

On Tue, 8 Jan 2008, William D. Hamblen wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Jan 2008, Ian Lewis wrote:
>>> "Charles Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Would it make sense to provide a boolean checkbox somewhere in the
>>> druid if we find one of these transactions to ask the user how to
>>> treat them?
>> Unfortunately, I'm not sure the user would know unless you start asking
>> stuff like, "Was this QIF created with Money Dance or <insert bad QIF making
>> Quicken version here>?"
> Maybe recording the fact that this issue (and others like it) exist
> would be worthy of an entry in the wiki?  I imagine one of the more
> common uses of the QIF importer is people coming from other applications
> and while that will almost never work perfectly because of the nature of
> QIFs, knowing where to look for problem transactions is still very
> useful.  I've now got a list of problems with my QIF file that have to
> be fixed by hand but I've also repaired a number of transactions in
> Quicken so they will import correctly.
>  - Bill
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