On Wed, 2007-04-18 at 18:17 -0400, Josh Sled wrote:
> This Saturday, April 21st, we're going to have the first GnuCash Bug
> Day.

Thanks to the devs; it seemed that we had a bit more focus and a
more-active-than-normal channel today.  I was hoping that we'd get a bit
more end users firing up 2.1.0, but maybe next time...

I decided to attack the "Bugs without a response" list [1], and got it
down from 49 entries to 14.  Most of the 14 remaining are in areas
(stocks, HBCI, Lots, Business features) that I'm not well-positioned to
reproduce.  Maybe the relevant devs/users can take a look; it would be
great it we could get that number to zero and keep it there, of course.


http://asynchronous.org/ - a=jsled;b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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