> This Saturday, April 21st, we're going to have the first GnuCash Bug
> Day.
> Bug Day will be ongoing from 15:00 [1] - 22:00 UTC in #gnucash on
> irc.gnome.org ... please join us there! :)
> [1]
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=4&day=21&year=2007&hour=15&min=0&sec=0&p1=0

I don't suppose this could be extended to midnight UTC, or even better
Sunday 01:00 UTC? That would give me a sporting chance to participate. I'm
afraid I'm unlikely to be involved with the current time range (1am - 8am
Sunday for me). I realise we're somewhat constrained by having people with
SVN commit access available during the time.

I'll see if I can download and build 2.1 on Saturday (my time) so if I do
end up being awake during the period I can participate. I don't think I've
actually built my own since we changed to svn, so that in itself may be a
learning experience.


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