On Thursday 16 November 2006 19:11, you wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 12:01:19PM +0100, Oliver König wrote:
> > Further I have got a lot of customers who pay by bank transfer. When I
> > download those transactions from my bank with GnuCash / aqbanking  I have
> > to split each of these transactions manually.
> Well that is obviously a pain. Can you pull down the transactions
> outside of gnucash and pre-process them before importing?

In the case of direct debits I create all direct debits with a small PERL 
script from my database and import all direct debits into GnuCash with 
the "Import & Send" Function that Christian Stimming has programmed and send 
them to the bank via GnuCash/aqbanking. I could delete all these transactions 
after having sent them to the bank and create one new transaction with the 
total sum and split that transaction manually. But that would be a very poor 
solution since I would not be able to track all the direct debits in GnuCash 
anymnore as I did before. Tracking and achiving all transactions is very 
important to me.

In the case of bank transfer there is no solution at all because the the 
payments are initialized by the customers and I see the bank transfers when 
getting the bank transactions through GnuCash/aqbanking.


Oliver König

Knorrstr. 24 Hinterhaus
24106 Kiel
phone +49 431-8008643
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fax +49 431-8008644
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