On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 09:47:04AM +0000, Nigel Titley wrote:
> I do see Oliver's point, about using the direct debit facilities of the 
> on-line banking system, but in my case this doesn't apply, although I do 
> have the issue of manually matching up payments that my credit customers 
> make direct into my bank account with their bills. However, at the 
> moment they are a small proportion of my sales, so quite manageable.

This probably belongs on user at this point, but... I actually do all
my deposit reconciling in a spreadsheet outside of gnucash as its
easier to keep track of and keeps my books cleaner. I have a
spreadsheet where I enter each day's credit card totals, compute the
discount rates and then total the transactions into three sub totals:
1 for last month money that get deposited this month, 1 for this month
money deposited this month and 1 for this month money deposited next
month. THen I enter three transactions into gnucash that match these
including the credit card discount in the split as an expense. All of
this happens between my checking account and an undeposited funds
account. the undeposited funds account is where I enter all the sales
for the month in one lump transaction totalling each type of sale, tax
collected, discounts etc. So I have a lump sum deposit in undeposited
funds which then gets split three ways into my checking account. Then
when I go to reconcile my checking account its three quick clicks on
the deposit side, plus the usual monkey business on the withdrawal
side. The actual reconciliation of deposits is done in that
spreadsheet -- comparing numbers with the bank statement and making
any necessary adjustments etc. before those numbers hit gnucash.

Of course this works for me and may not for others. I have reasonably
predictable cash flow week to week, operate in the black :) and have
several years of history backing me up , so I don't need to know
available balance from day to day. ymmv.


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