> "total in report currency" column

I can see it now. A new column appears on the right
side, however, its values are null. I think gnucash
should download the conversion rates automatically,
but it does not. I added the currencies in the Price
Editor, then enabled the relevant accounts to get
online quotes. The values were still null. Then I
selected Get Quotes in the Price Editor, enabled the
firewall, and got this message: "There was a system
error while retrieving the price quotes". Oddly
enough, the system is up and running. The error
message is as good as it gets...

>> you can turn off the toolbar in your Preferences.

> Yes, I did it. However, hiding wrong numbers does
> really solve the problem.

>It's not a problem (except in your own mind).  The
>feature works exactly as it's designed to work. See
>previous description of the status bar.

Ah, it is the "this is a feature, not a bug" thing.


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