Dear Geert,

I would like to offer a "new" splash screen nonetheless. If you've got
the time of day and are remotely interested, check out for variations on your current flying
window's theme.

Here are my two euro-cents comments:

Do you plan to localize the splashscreen so that it displays something
other that a USA one dollar bill? It happens that this is not the money of
around 6 billion people out there;-) Also, the "dollar-green" color does
not mean money everywhere.

I have to admit that was one of my first thoughts also. I wonder if there is a
more universal symbol for money. A pile of gold coins maybe ?

Possibly. More like treasure.

Another typical accounting symbol that comes to mind is the abaccus. Maybe a
clever variation on it could also serve as decoration.

I've tried "accounting" on google images. Some ideas found there :

 - figures and pen and pocket calculator.
 - a patchwork of bank bills from all over the world.
 - symbols of moneys, such as dollar, pound, euro, yen...
 - colorful charts
 - columns and columns of figures
 - the picture of a small gray guy, with a moustache and spectacles,
   who really looks like an accountant;-) (this is a joke)

I'm not a graphical person, so I'm afraid I cannot help much.

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