On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 12:21:57PM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Quoting Chris Shoemaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >"At best"?  If I touched ChangeLog as I edited files, like you
> >suggest, I'd constantly be remaking POTFILES.in.  How's that for a
> >reason not to add ChangeLog as a dependency for anything being remade?
> I'd rather it rebuild too often and make the build take a little longer
> than not rebuild it often enough and blow out the build when a file is
> removed.

But how could it break?

If you built it once, and then removed a file, `make pot` wouldn't
break because it remake POTFILES.in, and `make` wouldn't break because
po/ is up-to-date.  The only thing that could break is going into po
and using an explicit make target, and ONLY IF _YOU'RE_ THE ONE who
removed the file since the last `make pot'.  C'mon.

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