Chris Shoemaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 12:21:57PM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Quoting Chris Shoemaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >"At best"?  If I touched ChangeLog as I edited files, like you
>> >suggest, I'd constantly be remaking  How's that for a
>> >reason not to add ChangeLog as a dependency for anything being remade?
>> I'd rather it rebuild too often and make the build take a little longer
>> than not rebuild it often enough and blow out the build when a file is
>> removed.
> But how could it break?
> If you built it once, and then removed a file, `make pot` wouldn't
> break because it remake, and `make` wouldn't break because
> po/ is up-to-date.  The only thing that could break is going into po
> and using an explicit make target, and ONLY IF _YOU'RE_ THE ONE who
> removed the file since the last `make pot'.  C'mon.

FYI, I have no "gnucash.pot" in my build tree.  "make" doesn't build
one on my system, but "make dist" would.  At least with the version of
po/ that I've got on my system, the pot file is built only
as part of 'dist'.

So..  It could break if you run make, then svn update (where someone
deleted a file), and then run "make dist".  It will also get built if
you run "make pot" from the top level.

Your makefile rules deals with the latter case, but not the former.  A
simple "rebuild po/ in the dist rule in the top level
Makefile" will take care of this case.

Note that we don't control po/Makefile, so future versions/changes may
add other dependencies.  This is all dependent on the version of
gettext installed on your machine.

> -chris


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        PGP key available
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