On 23 Jun 2001 11:25:20 +0200, Christian Stimming wrote:
> Hi there,
> Would it be possible to state some dates for upcoming new releases? 

Yes, as soon as we have them. Patience, please :)

> I asked this question about two weeks ago (Jun 13), but no answers so far. 
> Are there no plans for new releases :-))) ? 

There is no date for 1.6.1 atm. There are still several outstanding
bugs that we'd like to get fixed.

> Since there probably are, I would kindly ask Dave and/or Bill to give some 
> public statement on that (i.e. stable/unstable versions release dates, 
> string freeze times,...)

There is no secret conspiracy hiding release dates, we just haven't
made any yet. We have to look at what we want in 1.8 before we set
a hard date for it.

I will announce 1.6.1 well in advance to give translators time.
There is no reason to change strings in 1.6.1 other than to fix
bugs, so I don't see the need for a string freeze. If we find
a string bug at the last minute, it should still be fixed since
it's better to have it right in english than wrong in the locale
language, i think.


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