On Wed, Jan 03, 2001 at 10:37:01AM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
> I wrote:
> > Put all entries into a single table (journal). Never delete or alter any
> > of them. Instead, add new correcting entries. This eliminates the need
> > for an audit table.
> Dr. David C. Merrill write:
> > Sounds like an interesting idea. Can you elaborate?
> I have a "correction_ref" field in each entry. In normal entries it is
> null, but in corrections it points to the entry being corrected. I was
> going to add a corrections table (a view, actually) so that the engine
> would not have to fumble through half the journal looking for possible
> corrections to each entry being retrieved, but I've now decided to permit
> only explicit correcting entries. My textbook tells me that journal
> entries should not be altered once posted. I am going to keep the
> "correction_ref" field so that the user will be able to easily retrieve the
> corrected entry.
This is pretty much the same idea, except that the records are left in
the same table instead of an audit table. This has already been
suggested, and I think I like it better than using the audit table.
fwiw, I originally wanted to use a separate table for performance
reasons and simplicity in working with the live data, but have come to
believe there is not enough gain to justify the pain.
So I think we're going with your idea.
Dr. David C. Merrill http://www.lupercalia.net
Linux Documentation Project [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Collection Editor & Coordinator http://www.linuxdoc.org
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I am the soul of nature
That gives life to all the universe.
>From Me all things proceed
And unto Me they must return.
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