On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 01:16:01PM -0500, Bill Gribble wrote:
> Budman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This isn't referring to QT the graphics toolkit; it's QThreads, the 
> guile cooperative threading library.  qthreads should be a part of the
> standard guile distribution; try running 'guile-config link' to
> see if guile knows where to find qthreads.  On my system (debian) 
> it prints this: 
> $ guile-config link  
> -L/usr/lib -lguile -lqthreads -ldl -lm

In older versions of guile, qthreads wasn't built by default:  You had
to run configure with the --enable-threads (or was it
--enable-qthreads?) option for libqthreads to be built.  This caused
no end of problems.

The three posibilities here are:

(1) You built guile from sources yourself, and didn't say
    --enable-threads when you ran configure.  The solution is
    to re-build/re-install, adding this option.

(2) Whoever packaged guile for Slackware 7.0 screwed up and didn't
    built qthreads.  You'll either need to find a new, working RPM
    (There is a nice guile 1.3.4 RPM at ftp.gnome.org/pub/guppi.
    Many of the guile RPMs that are floating around are broken in 
    one way or another.) or build/install from sources.

(3) Something funny happened, and you have libqthreads but it isn't
    being found.  In this case, I don't know what to suggest... :-/


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