Budman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I gave the 1.4.1 version a try on my system. Installed the g-wrap, and
> configure worked fine. However when I tried to compile, after a few
> minutes, I get the following message:
> /usr/lib/libguile.so: undefined reference to `qt_abort'
> /usr/lib/libguile.so: undefined reference to `qt_error'
> /usr/lib/libguile.so: undefined reference to `qt_block'
> Is there anything else I can check? Do I need a newer version of QT?
This isn't referring to QT the graphics toolkit; it's QThreads, the
guile cooperative threading library. qthreads should be a part of the
standard guile distribution; try running 'guile-config link' to
see if guile knows where to find qthreads. On my system (debian)
it prints this:
$ guile-config link
-L/usr/lib -lguile -lqthreads -ldl -lm
Bill Gribble
Gnucash Developer's List
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