Bill Gribble wrote:

> Gary Bickford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > At this time there's no easy way to upload the data on Linux - one
> > has to use "backup" in JPilot, for example, and then there's no tool
> > for accessing the data.
> Are you sure there's no export tool?  I used the Newton version of
> PocketMoney for years and on that version was a simple dump tool that
> exported your accounts as QIF files (I think he called it "ExCHANGE")
> In fact that's why I rewrote the gnucash QIF importer originally (to
> import my personal QIF files exported from PocketMoney).
> Bill Gribble

There are conduits (for both MYM and Quicken, I think) for Mac and
Windows, but not for Linux.  This is "not my area of expertise", but if I
understand correctly, there's really two components, syncing the files on
the Palm and on the workstation and syncing those files with GNUCash.
 These could be in one application.  I suppose ideally there would be
some way to use JPilot or one of the other Linux/Unix pilot programs to
talk to both GNUcash and PM.  But again this is outside my knowledge.


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