>>>>> On 08 Feb 2000 15:06:49 -0600, Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> said:
>> When the drop down list box is dropped down, it works quite well,
>> highlighting the current one you are on, even though you can't read
>> it in the "xfer from" field. I would like to see that drop down
>> list box drop down as soon as you type in an item, highlighting as
>> you go. this has the added bonus of allowing you to use the arrow
>> keys to choose the one you want, kinda. try it to see what the
>> kinda means. ;-)
Rob> Or the list could "narrow" to only include the viable
Rob> completions, and widen back up as you hit delete :>
but what about the up-and-down arrow stuff going to completely new
areas? :-)
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