> >  > I would dare say that the ability to quickly summarize ones financial
> >  > position is much of the point for tracking money in the computer.  This
> >  > would be especially useful if done in graphical form(someday)
> >  >
> >
> > Agreed.  Work on GUPPI has apparently started up again.  If they
> > succeed in getting something up and running, we can probably use
> > Bonobo to add charting capabilities with a minimum of extra coding.
> > Gnumeric will also eventually have plotting capabilities, so talking
> > to Gnumeric using CORBA is also a quite viable option.
> Was just checking out GUPPI  as they have shoved out some publicity about
> re-starting.
> It sounds like eventually the package will be able to do some cool stuff.
> Two thoughts come to mind:
> A) Won't this make gnucash even more Gnome-centric ?
>             ( doesn't really bother me 'cause I've got all the libs, but will
> really cheese off people who don't)

That depends on how we handle things. If we go a similar route as the
reporting, we could define a graphing API that gnome would implement
with, e.g., GUPPI, and the others could use something else.

> B) What about something that could be functional NOW ?  I noticed that there
> was some
> mention of gnu plotutils in earlier gnucash work.  Was there a problem with
> that approach ?
> I'm a Gnuplot fan,myself. However it is admittedly NOT the prettiest and tend
> to force some klunky programming interfaces.

Personally, I like things to look good, but that's my own character flaw :)


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