This seems to be a common error and I just happened to duplicate it this
morning for another fellow. I am running SuSE 6.3. The problem seems
to be that you need slib in the guile search path. I suppose it is
possible to modify the guile search path ... but not knowing a whole lot
about guile, I chose an easier solution. I installed slib in
/usr/share, but get this error if there is not a link (or slib installed
in) /usr/share/guile. Also, once you have created this link, you need
to run gnucash as root in order to do some slib set-up (at least the
creation of /usr/share/guile/slibcat).
Hope this helps.
Dayne Medlyn
Bernie Gardner wrote:
> I hope this isn't too inappropriate for a development list, but I am trying to
> get gnucash running for the first time and need a little help. I am using
> the SuSE 6.3 distribution. I think I have found and installed all the required
> libraries and with a little tweaking of make files have gotten it to compile
> and install without error. When I try to run it however, this is the result:
> gnucash: bootstrap file is /usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/bootstrap.scm
> gnucash: [W] "failure loading ""/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/prefs.scm"
> gnucash: [W] "failure loading ""/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/text-export.scm"
> ERROR: Unbound variable: gnc:*config-dir*
> As far as I can tell all the referenced files are where they should be, and
> bootstrap.scm seems to have a section defining config-dir (though I have to
> confess I don't understand all the details of the startup procedure.)
> Anyway, I'ld appreciate a little advice. By all acounts gnucash is a great
> program once running.
> Thanks for any help,
> Bernie Gardner
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