On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 20:45:57 PST, the world broke into rejoicing as
Rob Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:
> Here is another look at my accounts list:
> Expenses
>         Auto
>                 Auto: Fuel
>                 Auto: Insurance
>                 Auto: License
>                 Auto: Maintenance
>         Baby
>         Clothing
>         Computer
>         Crafts
>         Entertainment
>                 Entertainment: Books / Music
>                 Entertainment: Dining
>                 Entertainment: Recreation
>                 Entertainment: Vacation
> Say I have a different area called
> Expenses
>         Household
>                 Household: Insurance
> Well, I would like to not have my accounts register be so lengthy on
> the account names.  I would like to call each account "Insurance".  I
> tried that with a "Fuel" category, so obvoiusly the accounts code
> keeps track of the differences.  

Good thoughts; it is certainly somewhat redundant to have the word
"Entertainment" everywhere.

> However the problem I had was when I
> opened the register.  Would it be possible to have the Entire
> heirarchy of the account name (maybe including the type) in the title
> bar of the register window?
> e.g. Expenses:Household:Insurance 

I believe you want to take a look at the file src/gnome/window-adjust.c.

Look for the call to xaccAccountGetName(account).  That's what grabs
the account name.

I would tend to think what you want to do is to repetitively call
xaccAccountGetName(account), collecting those strings together, as
you walk up the hierarchy by calling xaccAccountGetParent(account) to
find the parents.

See xaccAccountGetParent() in src/engine/Account.c

I'll leave the details of actually doing this as an exercise to the
Rules of the Evil Overlord #69. "The deformed mutants and odd-ball
psychotics will have their place in my Legions of Terror. However
before I send them out on important covert missions that require tact
and subtlety, I will first see if there is anyone else equally
qualified who would attract less attention." 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - <http://www.hex.net/~cbbrowne/lsf.html>

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