Gnucash BugTrack notification
biffhero changed notes
Message summary for PR#8
Subject: Required Lib
Date: unknown
0 replies 0 followups
Notes: do we want to put nana on the ftp site?
I note that there are some libraries at , but no nana.
the way that I see it, we have three options.
1. no libraries/headers on the site.
2. all libraries/headers on the site.
3. some libraries/headers on the site.
I don't care which one we pick, just that one of them is picked, and
picked soon. once we pick which one we are going to do, we implement
and put up a notice.
item 3 would be the best one for me, as it would only require some changing
of the wording on the web site to allow me to close this PR.
Jeremy, AFAIK, you are the ftpmaster. what say ye?
Received: (qmail 13010 invoked from network); 31 Oct 1999 19:16:35 -0000
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by localhost with SMTP; 31 Oct 1999 19:16:35 -0000
Subject: Required Lib
Full_Name: Robert Uhl
Version: 1.2.3
GUI: gtk
OS: Linux 2.x
Submission from: (NULL) (
To build from source, it requires nana.h from the nana package, but there is no
indication of this on the FTP site. Just thought I'd report it.
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