In regard to: Re: Perl in internals (was Re: A bit off topic---Java as...:

>> As long as we're talking about what components to swap out, it was reported
>> on the gimp list today by Federico Mena that the GNOME project is dumping
>> the use of GtkXmHTML, the Gtk port of XmHTML.  He indicated that it wasn't
>> being maintained any more and had some other problems, so GNOME is going to
>> use a new HTML widget, GtkHTML.  I'm not sure if that will be a separate
>> library or if it will be rolled into gtk+.
>Excellent. Did he say when it would be available?

He did not, and I don't think Federico meant it as any kind of announcement,
he was just trying to inject some intelligence back into a thread about
the gimp help system that was threatening to degenerate into meaningless
bickering.  The impression I got from the little he said was that it's probably
still "alpha" quality, but when Federico says something's "coming along nicely"
(I think those were his words, but I didn't save the message) it's usually
a good sign.  He sounded enthused about it.

I'm not really up on what the future plans are for GnuCash, so I don't know
if using a component that ties it to a particular widget set/API (gtk) is
acceptable to the primary maintainers.  I just wanted to bring it up in light
of the other discussions that are going on here.  Just one more thing for
the people that are charting the course of GnuCash to think about.  ;-)

Tim Mooney                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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