dave wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 11, 1999 at 11:33:08AM -0600, Jeremy Collins wrote:
> > Alright, after a long time I think we have the mailing list figured
> > out.  Lets hope everyone gets this and we can start to talk about devel
> > issues! =)
> alright, devel issues like how ftp.gnucash.org/pub is empty?

Dave, Dave, Dave... Just give it time..

Seriously though.. I made a boo boo when updating the DNS so
ftp.gnucash.org points to the incorrect address.  This has been fixed
but has yet to find its way to all the DNS servers.

In the meantime just access it by:

Sorry for that.. 

Oh and for anyone who tried to reply back to the list and is having
problems it is probably because your DNS doesn't have the lastest
updates yet.  Give it a few days before bitching to me... after a few
days please bitch away! =)  We need this whole thing behind us so we can
start working and stopping answering why things don't work!

Jeremy Collins

Gnucash Developer's List 
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